Trolley Barn Park Concert Series
The University Heights CDC is presenting a summer concert series in Trolley Barn Park. There is a show scheduled every Friday night in July featuring a diverse range of acts from funk to jazz. To learn more about the concert series or to help support as a sponsor go to the website:
Summer Movies in the Park
The Normal Heights United Methodist Church and the Normal Heights Community Association have teamed up with Adams Avenue Park & Rec to bring you movies in the park all summer long. This is a great opportunity to get out, join your neighbors, enjoy your local parks and have a fun evening under the stars. In June they are bringing you The Mask on July 18th at Ward Canyon Park, and on July 25th at Adams Park they will show Paddington. More info
Become a Sponsor!
You can become a Summer Movies in the Park sponsor for as little as $50! Contact Ron Ferrero, President of the Normal Heights Community Association (619-847-1078 or [email protected]) or Nancy Palmer from the Normal Heights United Methodist Church ([email protected] or (619) 777-6486) for more info!
AABA Mural Policy
The AABA has a new policy to encourage business owners to commission murals for their buildings. The Business Association will subsidize up to four (4) murals per year, at a cost of 30% not to exceed $500 per mural. If you are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity please contact the office by emailing [email protected].
Accessibility Guide for Small Businesses
In an effort to promote making your business accessible to the community, the Development Services Department has created a new Accessibility Guide for Small Businesses and is now offering a free workshop. This workshop will provide technical guidance to assist small business owners, operators, and designers with accessibility regulations.
Date: Monday, August 3, 2015
Time: 9am-11am
Location: 9601 Ridgehaven Court, Auditorium, San Diego, CA 92123
Please RSVP by calling (609) 557-7998
Designed by Uptown 11 Studios
Managed by MRB Media