AABA Mixer
The Adams Avenue Business Association is hosting a quarterly mixer at Get Fit on Adams, 3806 Adams Avenue, on Wednesday, August 12th from 8-10am. Adams Avenue business owners and employees are invited to attend and meet fellow business owners on the Avenue.
Cake & Whiskey Hobnob Combat Arts Fundraiser
Join Combat Arts San Diego to help fund their next Veteran Mural Project mural that will be installed on Adam’s Avenue in Normal Heights. Adam’s Avenue Car Wash is donating their west facing wall.
Tradesman Pourhouse has generously offered their beautifully restored Victorian House for an art exhibition and fundraiser to help raise the $6000 needed to fund the next Veteran Mural Project mural. They will be providing wonderful sugar concoctions from Sugar and Scribe Bakery and Sweet Bricks. In addition, there will be beverages provided, adult and otherwise.
Click HERE to register for the free event, or provide a donation for the project! This is a free event with raffle tickets.
The address is:
21 16th Street
San Diego, 92101
August 13, 2015
The 34th Annual Adams Avenue Street Fair
This year’s Adams Avenue Street Fair takes place on September 26th & 27th, 2015 and features The Rugburns, The Wailing Souls, and “The Stray Cat” Lee Rocker! Look for the poster and more information later this week atwww.adamsavenuestfair.com.
Support the SDPD
Join Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Chief Shelley Zimmerman, San Diego Chamber CEO Jerry Sanders, Councilmember Todd Gloria and other community leaders to celebrate America’s Finest Police Department while perched 22 stories above San Diego’s spectacular skyline.
SDPD Appreciation Night
Thursday, August 13
5:30 – 7:30 pm
ALTITUDE Sky Lounge 660 K Street San Diego, CA
RSVP: Send an email to [email protected] or call (619) 224-2811.
Trolley Barn Park Concert Series
Only one more week to enjoy the summer concert series in Trolley Barn Park presented by the University Heights CDC. To learn more about the concert series or to help support as a sponsor go to the website: www.uhcdc.org.
Summer Movies in the Park
The Normal Heights United Methodist Church and the Normal Heights Community Association have teamed up with Adams Avenue Park & Rec to bring you movies in the park all summer long. This is a great opportunity to get out, join your neighbors, enjoy your local parks and have a fun evening under the stars. In August they are bringing you Princess Bride on August 15th at Adams Park, and on August 22nd at Ward Canyon Park they will show Jungle Book. More info at: www.nhmovies.org.
Designed by Uptown 11 Studios
Managed by MRB Media