Dear AABA Members,
At this morning’s Board of Directors meeting, the AABA passed a motion to support Councilmember Stephen Whitburn’s Unsafe Camping Ordinance. Below is a message from Mayor Todd Gloria urging a show of support for the ordinance by signing the petition at the link provided.
Dear Friends,
As your mayor, I’ve directed the City to use every tool and resource currently at its disposal to address homelessness. From outreach, shelter and housing expansions to tenant protections, mental health and substance use reforms, I’m working on all fronts to confront this crisis.
Recently I partnered with Councilmember Stephen Whitburn to propose the Unsafe Camping Ordinance, which will make amendments and additions to the San Diego Municipal Code to prohibit encampments citywide. This ordinance will forbid unauthorized tent encampments regardless of shelter availability at locations considered to be high risk to public health and safety, including:
1. within two blocks of K-12 schools
2. within two blocks of a shelter
3. along trolley tracks and transportation hubs
4. all parks
5. canyons
6. and waterways like the San Diego river
Please sign this petition in support of the ordinance.
Along with the Unsafe Camping Ordinance, my administration has developed a comprehensive shelter plan, including a Safe Sleeping proposal with multiple locations identified where those currently residing on our streets can go to camp safely and get connected with services to end their homelessness.
This Unsafe Camping Ordinance and Safe Sleeping proposal are critical components of our homelessness response and we need your help. These proposals will be considered by the City Council next month and I am asking you to show your support for them by signing this petition today.
For more updates on my administration’s actions to address homelessness, please visit the Homelessness Strategies and Solutions Department
Thank you for your support.
Mayor Todd Gloria